International Tokyo Toy Show 2012 was held on June 14 – 17.
The International Tokyo Toy Show (東京おもちゃショー Tokyo Omocha Sho) is a Japanese toymaker’s expo / convention held annually in the Tokyo Big Site, in Tokyo, Japan. The event generally attracts about 150,000 visitors, according to the official announcement, 159,678 people visited this year. The Tokyo Toy Show used included video games, but it has separated to The Tokyo Game Show since 1996.

When considering Japanese pop culture, though we tend to pay more attention to anime, manga, and video games, toys also are unique. In many countries, toys are designed for young children, but there are thousand of toys for adults in Japan, as same as anime and manga.

The Tokyo Toy Show on June 16, Saturday. So many people! You will get lost if you don’t hold mom’s hand. Ha ha :D

Pikachu car at the TOYOTA booth. This was the best “kawaii” car I have ever seen! TOYOTA is making some kind of Pokemon cars for each events. All of Pokemon cars have the general road driving permission, and the driving method is same as normal cars. They have also acquired license plates properly. But unfortunately, we as commoners cannot buy them.

Sylvanian Families, Japanese long-selling dollhouse series. The series have sold over 78 millions plastic figures in the worldwide since its release in 1985. Almost all Japanese young girls have its animal families and houses. I used to have a gray colored rabbit families and a small white house with red roof.
There are few Sylvanian Families Restaurant as well, popular with parents who have kids.

BANDAI is one of the biggest toy maker in japan. There is a 20 minutes wait to take into the booth. OK, let’s cue up…

New TV hero series from this October. Who is going to be?

Thousand of monsters and heroes!

Official website of The International Tokyo Toy Show is follows.

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